Friday, August 24, 2007

An update on my ulcer

So, progress has come very recently. We now have a storefront. We are going for a very classic look for the outside and a slightly more modern and simple look inside. Our food as a whole is fairly low key...just a bit creative. We now have a wine distributor and have yet to truly cement relationships with other supplier but as long as we have the money they will love us. I am pretty satisfied with how the place looks so far. We also got an extension on our grace period since the mall management took a month of our priginal period to sit around and not get our utilities installed. As for what the future holds...still not quite sure, but menu wise Im hoping on a tasting menu I can change weekly and ideally daily when I get some help in the kitchen. We went to singapore to take a look at Ria's new school and I have to say it was a very positive experience...I can very much see myself living there for a while. Haven't been updating for a while because there has really been no action up until now....I can sleep a little more now that I see things going long this will last.............nobody knows.