Monday, May 28, 2007

International finance and my darn stove

Today we start buying equipment. We are in limbo right now waiting for the exchange rate. The issue with this is that even though we are in Indonesia, we have to buy in dollars (gotta love that old greenback huh?) Now what does the exchange rate fluctuation do to me. It means I can either pay 2100 dollars for it or with a stronger rupiah end up paying about 300 dollars more in money we brought to indonesia at the weaker exchange rate.Now do I want to pay in dollars? of course I do. But I live in a country where dollars are seen as a commodity rather than currency; if I dont have crisp, clean bills with a D serial number that were made after 2004 I might as well have toilet paper. But what are you gonna do right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really have nothing to say but I figured that no one has left comments so I should... :)